Nemokami skelbimai, perku parduodu


Skelbimų sritys

Naujas skelbimas

Financial opportunity for you

Skelbimo nr. 287726, įdėtas 2022-10-05 · Perskaitė: 83

Skelbimas nebegalioja.

Dear Customer,
It is a pleasure to contact you after finding your email online.
I am ORY CATHERINE, registered financial consultant. I am in contact with private investors and financial companies who are willing to release funds in the form of loans to individuals and companies with viable business proposals.
Are you looking for a personal or business loan for your project or do you have someone looking for a loan for investment purposes, please confirm with me the amount needed for funding and also send your business plan for review if you have a project.
Senior Financial Advisor
Skype: christello

Kaina: 1000000 EUR

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  • Skelbimas įdėtas: 2022-10-05
  • Galioja: iki 2023-10-05


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