Nemokami skelbimai, perku parduodu


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High quality and hot sale 119276-01-6,14680-51-4

Skelbimo nr. 295055, įdėtas 2025-03-11 · Perskaitė: 11

We specialize in the production and sale of various organic intermediates, pharmaceutical intermediates, fine chemicals and so on. We have a professional research team, seriously create each customer needs products and also we can provide samples for you to test more pun door-to-door delivery service to make our service more convenient, faster, and more reliable. Welcome to negotiate!

We have many products with low price and good quality, if you need, please contact me:
Telegram:+85366856861 or @Vertin256

Hot selling products
CAS: 14680-51-4 Metonitazene
CAS: 119276-01-6 Protonitazene hydrochloride
CAS: 28578-16-7 2-Oxiranecarboxylicacid
CAS: 2785346-75-8 Etonitazepyne
CAS: 28578-16-7 PMK
CAS: 20320-59-6 BMK
CAS: 71368-80-4 Bromazolam
5cl-adba precursor (semi finished )
5cl-adba raw materials
ADBB precursor (semi finished )
ADBB raw materials

Kaina: 66 EUR

High quality and hot sale 119276-01-6,14680-51-4 skelbimai

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Autorius: Vertin
Miestas: Kaunas
Telefonas: 85366856861
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  • Skelbimas įdėtas: vakar, 02:21 val.
  • Galioja: iki 2025-06-09


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