Nemokami skelbimai, perku parduodu


Skelbimų sritys

Naujas skelbimas | Season 6 Episode 2 | exp: 999999x | Item lvl +15

Skelbimo nr. 151298, įdėtas 2011-04-16 · Perskaitė: 618

Skelbimas nebegalioja.

Server count: (PVP*)
Server Exp: x (x weekends)
Item Drop: %
Item Level: +
Exe Drop Rate:
Soul Rate +L: %-%
Soul Rate N: %
CM Rate: %-%
Monster HP: tuned
Max (Str,Agi,Ene,Vit) stats on server: !
Anti-cheat/hack: PlaySafe™ VIP membership: VIP Basic, VIP Gold and VIP Platinum
New characters: The Summoner, Rage Fighter, New classes: Grand Master, Blade Master, High Elf, Duel Master, Lord Emperor, Fist Master, Dimension Master

Events: IllusionTemple, ChaosCastle, DevilSquare, BloodCastle, Golden Invasion , Wizard Invasion, XMasAttack, MossMerchant, Castle Deep, Raklion Hatchery, Double Goer, Imperial, Castle Siege, +New (custom) events, GM Events.

Extra Features: New Skills (S+), Skill Tree works, Online point shop, Rich web features, Newbie awards, WebShop (Item shop), WebMarket, Stat seller, Exchange system, VIP system, Web Chaos Machine, Forum, Referral bonus, Vote bonus, Different Competitions, Messenger, Public Chat and Advertising, Different currencies, Different languages, Personal store, Duels, Friend system, Guilds, Guild Wars, Soccer, Alliances, Hostility, more...
Working maps: Arena, LostTower, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Dungeon, Castle Siege, Chaos Castle, Blood Castle, Devil Square, Loren, Cry Wolf, Aida, Kantru, Barracks, IllusionTemple, LostKalima, Elbeland, Swamp, Raklion, Vulcan, SantaTown, Imperial, Kalrutan
Working pets: Horn, Dinorant, Fenrir (Wolf) kinds !, Dark Horse, Dark Spirit (Bird), Demon, Angel, Rudolph, Skeleton, +Summoned pets
Reset: - (Master tree working)Level(manual), Cost zen*Resets, Save % Stats and all items!
*PVP-Player versus player (in game, player`s can kill each other) Server Exp: x (x weekends) Server Exp: x (x weekends) Server Exp: x (x weekends) Server Exp: x (x weekends)

Kiti skelbimai iš kategorijos "WWW svetainės"
smallSmall Links Create
shortShort Url
geriausiasGeriausias hostingas interneto svetainei
paskolosPaskolos pasiūlymas bet kuriai gyvai būtybei
 Nemokami skelbimai
ekskavatoriaus* 865936773, Ekskavatoriaus krautuvo nuoma, Vilnius, 30 EUR
 Perkraustymo paslaugos
gydytojasGydytojas psichiatras
bambukiniaiBambukiniai šiaudeliai
internetiniuinternetinių svetainių kūrimas, socialinių tinklų administravimas, SEO paslaugos


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  • Skelbimas įdėtas: 2011-04-16
  • Galioja: iki 2011-07-15


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